This event was celebrated in time with National Aboriginal Day. It celebrated Aboriginal culture with performances from Spirit of the Peace Dancers and Drummers. There were also Cultural Stations where the students of Robert Ogilive learned about Hand Games, Hunting and Trapping, and many more.
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Doig Day 2016
This year’s Doig Day saw over 450 grade four students, volunteers and community members all coming together for another successful year of learning about the Aboriginal culture in Doig River. The weather turned out nice for this event, some of the activities included bannock making, tanning hides, traditional plants, archaeological dig and wrapping it all […]
Past Events
June 2016 June 21 – Enhancement Agreement Celebration at the AEC June 9 – NPSS Biology 11 and 12 classes learn about Charlie Lake Cave, Traditional Plants and Aboriginal history May 2016 May 26 – Doig Day Celebration at the Doig River May 13-14 – Network of Inquiry and Innovation Presentation May 9 – Inspire […]
Orange Shirt Day
On September 30th students and staff of School District 60 honoured the children and families that were affected by residential schools. This day has been designated as Orange Shirt Day as it was historically the month that children were removed from their homes and forced to attend residential schools. In most cases, the children would […]
Root Causes of Success of Aboriginal Students
In 2009 School District 60 embarked in an Appreciative Inquiry project called “Today & Tomorrow”. The school district was looking for root causes of success, best learning practices, and information to inform our future direction from our learning community members. Below are several documents related to the Today and Tomorrow project that focused on Aboriginal […]
Aboriginal Student Success in SD60 Presentation
The following presentation linked below is a summary of Ministry of Education and School District 60 data on Aboriginal student success over five years (2005-2011) Aboriginal Student Success in SD60 Presentation
Dr. Martin Brokenleg – Culture in Education – PowerPoint Presentation
CULTURE IN EDUCATION [Compatibility Mode] CULTURE IN EDUCATION 2 [Compatibility Mode] MODELS OF IDENTITY [Compatibility Mode] REACHING DEEPER [Compatibility Mode]
The Circle of Courage Workshop – February 28, 2012
Dr. M Brokenleg Poster
Aboriginal Pals Training – Janurary 24, 2012
APALS-1 Poster
National Aboriginal Day June 21
National Aboriginal Day is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada. The day was first celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed that year by then Governor General of Canada Roméo LeBlanc, to be celebrated on June 21 annually.