
Indigenous Education Center Library

Our library can be searched at

Please contact us if there is a resource you want to borrow.

Authentic Indigenous Book Vendors

Strong Nations – sells authentic Indigenous books as well as other authentic Indigenous books by other publishers.
Scholastic Canada – features books that are either written by Indigenous authors or in consolation with them.
Theytus Books – a leading North American publisher of Indigenous voices.
Eaglecrest Books – early literacy featuring Indigenous children and families.
Pemmican Publications – the only dedicated Metis publishing house in Canada.

Digmore and BCERAC

SD60 supports the BCERAC Digital Classroom Bundle with a large number of resources available to students and teachers in schools.

Please visit our Digmore e-resources !

BCERAC – Resources for Integrating Aborginal Ways of Knowing and Learning

BCTF Project of Heart

Project of Heart –
Project of Heart Recommended Resources –

The Secret Path – Learning Resources

The Secret Path Website
Gord Downie’s The Secret Path – YouTube
Maclean’s – The Lonely Death of Chanie Wenjack
Historica Canada – Chanie Wenjack
University of Toronto – Deepening Knowledge

First Nations Education Steering Committee – Learning Resources

Authentic First peoples Resources
English – First Peoples Gr 10-12
Science – First Peoples Gr 5-9
Math – First Peoples Gr 8- 9
Primary Resources – K-3

First nations Child & Family Caring Society – Learning resources

Beyond 94 Truth and Reconciliation in Canada – Teacher Guide

Aboriginal Education in British Columbia

First Voices – Language Resource

First Peoples Language Map of British Columbia

First Nations Health Council

Legacy of Hope Foundation

First Peoples Principals of Learning – How to incorporate

Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research

Where Are the Children – Residential Schools